Find out how to join the surgery.
View what clinics we offer.
Community Eye Care Service
Flashes and floaters, loss of vision?
NHS appointments available at local optical practices.
NHS Health Checks
The NHS Health check is your chance to get your free midlife MOT.
Carers Support
Are You a Carer?
If you are please let us know - we may be able to help you.
NHS 111 Mental Health Option
Access to mental health services via NHS 111
Refer yourself to a health service such as talking therapies without having to see a GP first.
Changing your contact details
Update your name, address, phone numbers or email address.
For more information on vaccines please click on this link
Travel Vaccination update for Sherburn & Rillington Practice
Travel Vaccinations and advice
Accessing your health record
Find out about the types of records and how to access them.
Accessing someone else’s information (Proxy access)
As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having proxy access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.
Submit readings
Submit a reading to your GP if you have been requested to do so.
Managing your health online (online services)
There are many things you can do online at our surgery.
Getting a fit (sick) note
Request a sick note if you've been sick for more than 7 days.
Healthy living
NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.
Getting test results
Find out how to view or ask questions about your test results.
Non-NHS Services
Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges.
Services near me
Find a NHS service near you.
Shared Care Agreements
Find out about shared care agreements
Private Referrals
Find out about Private referrals
Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Services
Sherburn & Rillington Practice is an accredited Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Practice.
Blood tests
Did you know there are drop in clinics at both Malton and Scarborough Hospital
Click here to find out more details